Listen to Interview with Radio Host Kate Delaney

Interviews are part of an author’s life and are always approached with a degree of uncertainty. Will the equipment work? Can I make the interview on time? Will the weather knock out my phone? Can I understand the host, and can she or he understand me? More questions as the moments approach, and finally the telephone call arrives and you are, for better or worse, on air with the world and with an audience and host that you may not know.

The typical parts of a radio interview are first identification. Who and what is being talked about? Then the author is asked to describe his book. A frequent follow-up question is how did the author come up with the concept? Sometimes a question about the writing process itself and almost always what the author hopes that the reader takes away from the book? The interview concludes with a statement on where the book can be purchased and in what formats.

You can hear the interview at:

Because of some connection problems related to the storms that we have been having here in Central Georgia this year, the interview was running late by the time we began, and I was a bit flustered by that time. This was not my best interview but was adequate.

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